Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:06 PM) :
**Was walking over the street on the side of the street**
*at the end was his new customer**
Hi, I’m Rody aka Fierce you are ?
Ðevious (2:06 PM) :
Jan-Jaap aka Devious
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:06 PM) :
Hi JJ Where do you come from ?
Ðevious (2:07 PM) :
Uhm like you didn’t know, I’m from the lowlands
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:07 PM) :
Well it’s also our little childrin will see this intervieuw, and they don’t know.. where Daddy Devious comes from 🙂
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:07 PM) :
So you come from the stunning country called netherlands.
Ðevious (2:08 PM) :
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:08 PM) :
How long do you play online games.. where was the start.. how did you enter the community which called.. online gaming
Ðevious (2:10 PM) :
I started online with DF2 about 4 years ago, a friend of mine told me about DF2 and that his bro and family played the game also but my first thought about it wasnt that good so I didn’t play it anymore a half year untill I went to my new school and met a great friend who played DF2 for 422 and that’s where the story started
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:11 PM) :
So the start was 422. What other online games you play ?
Ðevious (2:12 PM) :
Untill a half year ago nothing cause my shitty 28k Cable Wanadoo couldn’t handle more but now I play BHD alot also.
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:12 PM) :
so only Df2 and BHD, atm..
Ðevious (2:12 PM) :
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:13 PM) :
So you’ve been playing quit some time DF2 now. What is it, in DF2 which attracks you so much. This bc it’s a very old game.. and there are alot of new ones
Ðevious (2:14 PM) :
The gameplay, the maps, everytime you play it you get so many memmories…
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:14 PM) :
Do you have a special match in memory ?
Ðevious (2:15 PM) :
[L] vs *BOP* in a best of 5 match we won with 3-2 and a point difference of like 3
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:16 PM) :
guess it was TDM 🙂
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:16 PM) :
Is there a misses Devious.. ore baby devious ?
Ðevious (2:16 PM) :
Yea but even with guy’s like Demon, Strider, Pelles playing we still had a hard time hehe
Ðevious (2:17 PM) :
No I’m 19 and I work a bit to much at the moment
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:17 PM) :
You’re 19, still at school ? what kind of ? and what do you want to become, when you’re a big boy
Ðevious (2:19 PM) :
I’m on my last half year of school, I work for a company now to end my school carreer (stage) and when I finished that I got MBO Technische Informatika which means I’m able to control a win2000 network so an Administrator but I’m not sure if I will do that as work.
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:21 PM) :
what do you attrack the most to online gaming ?
Ðevious (2:21 PM) :
To be the best, that’s my only goal….
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:22 PM) :
If there were some special people in ur Online gaming.. who where they, and why ?
Ðevious (2:24 PM) :
CrazyJoker, he made me good in 422 and got me into some great squads and that’s how I got better.
Also John Mullins who I also met in 422 but he had lots of problems at home and he left his family and moved to France I’ve spoken with him one more time after that but that’s already more then a year ago.
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:26 PM) :
what do you like to do, beside, online gaming ? you got hobby’s ore ?
Ðevious (2:28 PM) :
I’ve played tennis like 11 years but my trainer put me into a sucky team for winter training so I decided to quit it all, now I play tennis once in a while for fun.
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:28 PM) :
and offcourse you like cars
Ðevious (2:28 PM) :
Yes, the more bhp’s the better
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:29 PM) :
bhp;s ? man, i know the same about Cars as i know about computers
Ðevious (2:29 PM) :
horse powers!!
Ðevious (2:29 PM) :
Mr. Punto
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:29 PM) :
Brutal Horse Powers
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:30 PM) :
Yeah a blue corssiatje
Ðevious (2:30 PM) :
no comment
Ðevious (2:30 PM) :
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:30 PM) :
HAHHAA… howmany horse power does urs have
Ðevious (2:31 PM) :
Should have 192, that’s like 5 times more then your “car”
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:31 PM) :
naahh i got about. pff 2 bdp
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:31 PM) :
yeah 2 bdp, i checked it yesterday
Ðevious (2:31 PM) :
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:32 PM) :
but it depends on which bdp you pick
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:32 PM) :
the sint berndars, are way stronger than the jack russels, of my neigbours
Ðevious (2:32 PM) :
Nah that’s bs
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:33 PM) :
Why ?
Ðevious (2:33 PM) :
Ever seen a Sint Bernad catch a Jack Russel ?
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:33 PM) :
*ugh* don’t wanna know ore see 🙂
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:33 PM) :
that’s animal porn…
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:33 PM) :
I thought only Coy would see that… I never expected that from you
Ðevious (2:34 PM) :
They are to lazy to even walk to that doggy
Ðevious (2:34 PM) :
It’s a virus he bought with him on L=L
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:34 PM) :
Sint bernards,.. are the savers in the snow.. with that .. thing below neck
Ðevious (2:34 PM) :
So more people could be infected but I don’t wanne say any names
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:35 PM) :
hahaha.. about L=L, about 1/2 year ago some of *DEA members went to L=L, for BHD…
Ðevious (2:35 PM) :
Yes the l33t *DEA BHD which is gone now
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:35 PM) :
People as: McCoy, Striper, Goldmam, Mizty, Calle, Devious and Fierce were there
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:36 PM) :
did you enjoyed there. on the lan ?
Ðevious (2:37 PM) :
Yep it was nice but wanted to take part of more with that *DEA team
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:37 PM) :
it’s to bad, that BHD, died so fast… in *DEA.. indeed
Ðevious (2:38 PM) :
Yes well we know who to thank for it don’t we
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:38 PM) :
Np, ur welcome
Ðevious (2:38 PM) :
Again don’t wanne mention names
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:38 PM) :
indeed. not necessary.. and not needed.
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:38 PM) :
lets us do some quick questions
Ðevious (2:38 PM) :
Yea, Coy, Striper, Calle would be pissed
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:39 PM) :
Rofl *CUT*
Ðevious (2:39 PM) :
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:39 PM) :
Fastfood ore dinner
Ðevious (2:39 PM) :
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:39 PM) :
McDonalds ore burger king
Ðevious (2:40 PM) :
pff that’s the same
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:40 PM) :
it isn’t
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:40 PM) :
whic one you prefer
Ðevious (2:40 PM) :
none, doesnt matter
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:40 PM) :
if i gave you a travel ticket, where would you go to
Ðevious (2:41 PM) :
I gues Canada or something there
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:41 PM) :
why canada ?
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:41 PM) :
what attracks you so much to such a country
Ðevious (2:42 PM) :
The nature and the freedom, not so many people on a small surface
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:42 PM) :
got to agree on that…
if you can grant 3 whishes, which ones will you do?
Ðevious (2:43 PM) :
A new law that allows black lights below my car
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:44 PM) :
Hhaahaaa Ore a gay, night rider light
Ðevious (2:44 PM) :
lmao Michael Knight !!!
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:44 PM) :
hhhee.. I already noticed a big watch, when i saw you on the L=L
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:44 PM) :
Now i know what the purpose was
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:45 PM) :
for what they can wake you up in the morning
Ðevious (2:45 PM) :
It was just a Pulsar, I got it after my MAVO axams which were to easy
Ðevious (2:45 PM) :
Uhm, a nice game of DF 😛
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:46 PM) :
Ðevious (2:45 PM) :
It was just a Pulsar, I got it after my MAVO axams which were to easy
Do NO ly, Devious.. i saw some red lights on it.. and some electronical voice
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:46 PM) :
Goldman and me were discussing it… !!!
Ðevious (2:46 PM) :
Shhhh only McCoy saw it, least he had the balls to come with me to carry some luggage
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:47 PM) :
*Euhmm* you carried McCoy’s balls ?
Ðevious (2:47 PM) :
If that was what my sentence showed, YES
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:48 PM) :
So you carried, mccoy balls.. were they also bald ore ?
Ðevious (2:48 PM) :
I’ll tell you if you remove the *CUT* you made before in this interview
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:49 PM) :
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:49 PM) :
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:49 PM) :
So Mr Knight.. wat is the highest speed you have drove on ur horse machine
Ðevious (2:50 PM) :
210 km/h where 120 was allowed 😉
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:51 PM) :
now i’m imagine… how you were driving… were you lying on ur steer, with the mirrors, clapped in, just like on a motorcycle .
What is the maximum speed of that truck ? 210 ?
Ðevious (2:52 PM) :
Naw, 240 but I was drinking coffee
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:52 PM) :
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:52 PM) :
are you religious devious
Ðevious (2:53 PM) :
Nah, thats gay proof me god excists and I’ll change my mind
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:53 PM) :
that’s a clear anwer..
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:54 PM) :
what name u used before in the online world
Ðevious (2:54 PM) :
Neo and ]-[urricane
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:55 PM) :
now since a while, Devious… why deivous… I know the answer, but our little children would like to know it also
Ðevious (2:56 PM) :
Ok first of the D is the l33test char there is so I wanted a name starting with a D and started asking around who knew a good name, finally John Mullins or his brother can’t remember came with Devious and since then I use it…
Ðevious (2:57 PM) :
And that’s also why Sirolf is called Des-Nino now lol
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:57 PM) :
Yeah i know 🙂 ahhaa, he told us on the Lan
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:57 PM) :
Sirolf, (aka DN).. helped you picking a name
Ðevious (2:57 PM) :
If you say so 🙂
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:58 PM) :
Nahh.. i’m just a little kid.
Ðevious (2:58 PM) :
Can’t disagree on this point
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:58 PM) :
atm, i’ve been runned out of questions… do you have.. anything to add ?
Ðevious (2:59 PM) :
Uhm no but I wish you gl with searching a BHD team 🙂
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:59 PM) :
Lol.. gonna *CUT* this
Ðevious (2:59 PM) :
omg you pos
Fìêrçé²*DEA (2:59 PM) :
Ðevious (3:00 PM) :
why interview me if you cut half of the conversation
Fìêrçé²*DEA (3:00 PM) :
hehe, that’us fault..
Fìêrçé²*DEA (3:00 PM) :
Ðevious (3:01 PM) :
I don’t walk away for facts
Fìêrçé²*DEA (3:01 PM) :
Final we gonna close our conversation… We will speak towards eachother.. in the end of august revieuwing this intervieuw
Ðevious (3:01 PM) :
August ?
Fìêrçé²*DEA (3:01 PM) :
DEA Party
Ðevious (3:02 PM) :
lmao like I’m gonne come, I dunno and wont know for sure untill 1 week before…
Fìêrçé²*DEA (3:02 PM) :
*puts back his pencil in his jaratel, en moved towards the lonely dark alley*