
McCoy*DEA… A big boy in *DEA, but what do we really know about this loyal, experienced and dedicated *DEA member? Time to find out!

Name:Bo Hansen
Location:Goatfarm, Denmark
Age:37 (11-06-1972)
Member Since:15-10-2002
Current:Not Playing
Past:DF2, DFBHD, JO, CS, Wolfenstein

*I walk up on McCoy’s farm while I hear him saying*

Just dont forget about the goats, they are very important

*thinks.. goats!??!?!* Anyway, always hard to find a start, but here we go. I’m Eric, who are you? (Like we don’t know.. but well )

Hi Eric…my real name is Bo…and by now i think most just call me Coy

Oke Coy. Since you just told me about goats, I’ve no idea what you mean, so what’s up with those goats you’re talking about?

Your not into goats ??…not sure you can be trusted then….
na it’s just a long standing joke that started back when i played df2 for a squad called *DM*

No not really *has a strange feeling that he’s missing something*

then later on i moved to the farm, and it just vent on form there…. but goats are cool and very good lovers. Sheeps on the other hand are wooly and ugly

So you’re not a sheepshagger?

Nope…does that turn you off ?

It does 🙁

Thought so.. Sorry

It’s okay, still got Deadly, he’s into anything

Well tbh i think anything is into him….

or inside

Anyway I myself actually live in a farm as well, but then for mushrooms so it’s nice to hear someone else lives on a farm as well, don’t hear that too often on the internet, anyway since you just mentioned df2.. a former squad of yours.. How did it all started for you? What were your first online games? And how did you get into *DEA?

Can’t even remember my fist internet game anymor, but df2 was my first game where i was dedicated.
After just playing public nova servers for some time i stumbled into a private hosted server for a mainly US squad called *DM*.
Their leader (a guy called Chains) tried to recruite me

What’s a danish boy doing with americans?

Well at that time i had a job where i worked nights

Ah that explains

and i had ALOT of time to play online. Anyway, I eventually joined, and played with *DM* for a few years, where i learned to lead a team, make tactics and interact with other teams.

What year are we speaking of?

Well I joined *DM* in 99 or 2000 i believe. I could tell alot about what happend when i was there, but it’s history.
In 02 I wanted to change the scenery so…

So you saw Herk with goats? And you were like: OMG! Or something else?

I approached Des Nino about getting into *DEA. At the time i know alot of the *DEA players, df2 mainly though. So 3 other guys from *DM* and myself joined
Belly was one of them and he later vent on to start the BHD section, Zarni and Pol started the BF section (with lamorek)
So I think *DEA made a good deal that day
Indeed. What happened next? what did you do in *DEA?

Well I lead the DF2 section with fierce and a few old timers for a while, i was tkoth leader, and fierce was fb and ctf leader

How did you became a leader in DF2 DEA? What happened between you being recruited and you being leader?

Cant even remember for how long must have been close to a year, well not much lol. Think i was a leader before i lost my c tag… quite funny

Hehe, true, sometimes it doesn’t take long to see what someone can do. I’ve had the same with the COD4 team last year, lost my c, went up in Deadly’s officer team. So I know what you mean.
What did you do after the DF2 stuff?

And he got recruited into the BHD beta section by belly so we started to play abit of BHD together, at first i didn’t really enjoy the game….but we all know where that ended. I joined the BHD section and meet som eof the LW guys cant remember if i was council member at that time. But to cut it BHD we had all the right players and people willing to work as leaders, guys like King, Stripper, Mizty not forgetting Belly. After a few matches where we got our asses kicked…we desided to draw the line, and started working hard on becomming the top team.
I think in many ways we succeded…at least i’ve rate the BHD section in it’s prime amongst the top 5 teams in the world, in 05 i started up Uni again, and i’ve been more or less inactive since… just abit of working in the background

I’m sure it has been there at several times. More fascinating actually might be to see how *DEA in the total Delta Force series is, I mean what they have achieved, there won’t be many teams who can top it. I think. What do you think of that? In relation to *DEA and Delta Force.

well in the DF series *DEA is unique in many ways, no team has lasted so long without having breaks, I dont think we’ve always been the best team over the whole period but in every game we have been a contender to the throne.

Indeed, not to mention we have achieved the top with many different teams as well, I think that makes DEA special as well. Concluding that that of course lead to having a big and nice community of DEA people as of today.

I think many of us though wow would be the end of *DEA, but i guess we manneged, playing along side guys who likes to get leveld up by Herk…

True, however I think *DEA now is climbing up to an active level. There’s the WoW division, active and skilled. the COD4 division, active again and competing in their community, DFX2 division which is starting plus the DF2 division which is making a comeback. Together with all the other DEA people around this, makes DEA a crowdy place .

the more the marrier

My last question about *DEA, what do you think will happen in the coming years for *DEA? We can see a few things happening: COD6 coming up, a year later (hopefully) another new Delta Force game called Angel Falls and maybe more. What do you expect?.

lol….nothing….i’ve seen to much to know that you cant plan for an unreleased game, I think *DEA is here to stay, but in what form or how…I have no idea

True, but one thing you can know, new things will happen. And yes whatever happens, I’m sure DEA will be here

most likely… to both

So, about yourself a bit more You said you went back to uni in 05. Which university? And what do you study? Or are you done studying again?

Well almost done with my bachelor (writing it atm)…I’m studying civil engineering (software techonlogy) and i’ve got accepted into my master line with will be (planing, inovations and leadership), still got at least 2 more years to go

Nice I myself am actually trying to finish my bachelor too soon, or at least I’m preparing for my master, in my case hard work lately *sigh*, one more week and I’ll take a vacation

but before i started here at DTU (Dansih tecnical university) I studied Medicine, and before that Veterinary Medicin, so i’ve spend enough time at university

Oh that’s nice, I study Medicine/Biomedical science, I like it a lot, lots of reading though.

and then there is fitting my family into this and I also work 36+ hours a week…lol
So besides from the point that i hate computers by the time i get home, there is no time to play games atm

Damn, you’re a busy man!


What do you do to relax? I mean, I’m sure you want to forget about all the busy things sometimes and just do something you enjoy? For example for me I love to run (however injured now so that makes it hard for me) + playing games for me to relax. What do you do?

lol…i live on a farm, there is always something to do, and if not, i’m sure my 4 boys will fill in my time, but i do try to find time to run a few times a week, not as much as i would like to, but eventually i’ll finish uni and get a regular job…

Hehe, what do you do when you run? (don’t tell me, ‘I move my legs’)
For example, your shoes.. your clothes.. your underwear.. the distance.. the way you train et cetera

lol this turns you on i can tell, well tbh, i’ve had astma pretty bad for the last 8 years and this is the first year i’ve been able to train again (use to train ALOT). So i’m still in the build up phase, atm i run 5 km 3-4 times a week and once i get down to a decent time, i’ll start running 10 km
Atm i’m still struggling at 25 min, which i’m not all that happy with and i run both on roads and trails. In most cases where there are many hills. Love to fell the brun running up a long hill
You run any 5km matches on roads? Hehe yes hills are a pain in the ass

no, just on my own, it’s meditation for me, dont need others to motivate myself. But i can tell u my fastest time (back in the days) on a 5km is 18.35. But i’m very aware…I use to run alot, atm it’s about batteling the asthma and not becomming a good runner

So does our Coy has any plans for the summer holiday? Or is it.. work work work

Yea well…I’m handing in my bachelor in august and then there is a physics exam, so work mostly i’m afright

Ok, well I hope you’ll succeed in all the things you’re doing. Thanks for the chat Bo.

Thank you, and the same to you.